
Showing posts from October, 2020

The First US Health Care Law

 Under our current system, government decisions about health care for Americans has never been about Constitutional limits, government budgets or philosophical ideals.  It's been about the bottom line for business and business people. Consider an interesting column from Forbes magazine - not what you'd call a left-wing rag.  The article tells about how Congress and the President dealt with ensuring health care for privately-employed Americans in a law passed in 1798.  Yes, that's right, 212 years before Obamacare was signed into law.  This particular law didn't cover all Americans, only sailors on merchant ships.  However, it still provides a clear example of the US Constitution and government mandated health coverage. The issue began with the question of international trade.  The US government felt international trade was essential for the US economy.  Back in those days, "international trade" for the US meant private merchant sailing ships....

The Democratic Party During My Life

 I recently became a senior citizen.  The 2020 election season caused me to think about what the Democratic Party has done in my lifetime.  Below are those examples which stand out in my mind. First, during most of my pre-teen years, Democrat-run Southern states maintained racial segregation and restricted voting.  While they enforced racist laws, they didn't enforce their murder laws when it was committed by the KKK / racists against African-Americans.  (Some may ask: Didn't Congressional Democrats vote to end this?  When Congress voted on the  Civil Rights Act of 1964 : in the House, 80% of Republicans and 63% of Democrats voted yes; in the Senate, 82% of Republicans and 69% of Democrats.) In the late 1950's, as he prepared to run for president, Sen. John F. Kennedy promoted the myth of a "missile gap" (claiming the USSR had more nuclear missiles than the US.)  Wikipedia says this was false. In April 1961, the Kennedy administration pa...